Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas 2010

3rd Sunday of Advent 2010
Dear Friends,
As the snow settles in and the temperature hovers around -20C I know Christmas is upon us. Here in north country the stillness and quiet of a snow covered landscape reminds me so much of Advent where we are called to wait and watch for the coming, not only of Jesus over 2000 years ago, but the ongoing breaking in of God into our world today. I pray you may be given these quiet reflective moments all year long.

Mariah 12 weeks
Prairie & Mariah October in Ontario
Prairie Oct 2010 in Drydon, ON
Each year the passing of the old year seems to happen more quickly and it is difficult for me to believe in 10 days it will be Christmas—yikes! This year has seen lots of travel for me—much of it for the College or continuing education with some fun trips in between and some changes in our household make up. Prairie, my black lab, just did not seem to be working out as a Service Dog—she had a great propensity for lunging after “prey” and leaving me on the ground. So, in the spring I made the difficulty decision to let her go to one of my students who had an acreage and lake in western Ontario where she could run and play (she is extremely happy and fat and sassy)—I got to see her in October while doing an Internship visit and it was great to see her. So, in late April I got a new Chocolate Lab. Her name is Mariah of “they called the wind Mariah” and she is a darling little girl who also has been a real challenge to train. Prairie was an independent little girl, while Mariah is a really “mom’s” girl and cuddler, but can Mariah chew and she loves to “steal” things and chewing them up which can get very annoying. She is growing out of this a little as long as I can keep a sufficient bone supply! Emma, my soul mate, has really slowed down, but is healthy, happy and pain free, but sadly I know our days together are numbered.
During the summer I traveled not only to Viet Nam again with a very small group. It was a very challenging group, none of whom brought a watch to coordinate meeting times!! I am hoping to go this year with a larger group. Want to come? I also got to see my great niece, Kay, in North Carolina—she is so much fun. She had a great time playing with my prosthetic leg and I have some cute pictures. I also got to go to the American Amputee Coalition meeting in California. It was fun seeing new friends I have made and working on being able to walk and run better. Then the fall brought every other weekend trips to visit student interns from southern Saskatchewan, to Sioux Lookout in western Ontario to the interior of BC and then out to Vancouver Island. It was fun and exhausting all at once. Also, in the spring I was able to get to the consecration of my dear friend, Mary Glasspool, as an assistant bishop in Los Angles—a great and fun event with little 12 week old Mariah in my arms for most of the weekend.  
Back yard
Dining Room

Front of House with fish pond
This coming year will see many changes in my life as I turn 65 in April and will be retiring from the College on 30 June. It is both sad and a delight for me. I have, for the most part, loved the College and the 15 years of teaching have been a gift to me. So, I will miss the students, but not all the meeting and political atmosphere of the College these last years. I was looking forward to settling here in Saskatoon with my house now all renovated—that was until a dear friend said, “I think you should move to Kamloops, BC. My answer, “Right??” However, she gave me a list of why I should move—really more good friends there than here, two months less winter etc, etc—and I could not argue with her. So, it was still in mind and I was thinking seriously about it when she called one day and said, “I just found your house here in Kamloops.” It was October and the last thing I needed was a house there! Yet after looking at pictures, having two friends go and see the house, taking pictures and saying, “This is YOUR house.” I bought it and about a month later I got to visit it. It is a good house in a lovely location, but needs more renovation than I had wanted to do, but… It closes on 15 December and thankfully one of our students is staying in his internship placement through the winter and he will live it in for me. The house even has a fish pond in the front yard!
SO, as of 21 June my new address will be:                                                                                                                    1294 Highridge Drive; Kamloops, BC V2C 5G6 Email will be the same saskatoon226@gmail.com
I have recently ventured into “blogging” and have a blog at: http://www.blogger.com/template-editor.g?blogID=1728418683222435019  Here you can see pictures from the year. Along with this letter.
I wish each of you, my friends, a wonderful Christmas season and blessed and healthy New Year.
Peace and blessings, Beth Marie

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