Friday, December 16, 2016

2016 Advent
Dear Friends,
Again, we are at that wonderful time of year where the light is unique and gives us sights that we can’t see at any other time of year—at least here in north country. Once again, we hear the great message of God coming to be one of us. In the Gospel of John one translation states that God came and pitched God’s tent among us. Isn’t that a wonderful image?
This year has been a very strange for me. The first Saturday in February I woke up with a terrible pain in my hip that did not go away with time. I spent the next months having x-rays and other tests while the doctors argued what was really wrong. After the first CAT scan it showed what was wrong—a torn cartilage in my hip but one of the orthopaedic surgeons ranted and raved that, that was not what was wrong. He swore it was my back—which it was not. It seems his pride kept him from admitting he was wrong and proposed a surgery that was incompatible with my being an amputee. As I got more infirmed—mainly operating from my bed—I had had it!! I arranged with an organization in Vancouver to a have surgery in Phoenix, AZ with a great surgeon and I did very well.

I had a set back when I thought I was recovered enough to go visit my nephew, Ryan and his wonderful family, but my leg started to spasm so much so I could not walk, Thankfully I am getting back my strength and the pain is much less. And I am more than ready to get going!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My nephew and his family are truly wonderful. Kay turns 8 two days before Christmas. She is into gymnastics and is learning piano—she plays very well. Carly is 5 and started kindergarten. She is an amazing little girl—she reads at a Grade 3 level, plays the violin and is quite amazing at 1000-piece jigsaw puzzles.  Blake is 2 and a “man in motion.” He is in the middle of the terrible two, but is a sweet and endearing little boy. He is very much into trucks of any kind. I would ask for prayers for my other nephew, David. He is not doing well and has decided to be cut off from the family and not take his medications, both are very important to his wellness.
My little girl, Mariah has grown into a wonderful friend and service dog. She is very sweet and it seems everyone loves her. I am at the Habitat Re-Store and she is always a favourite with many of the customers. I missed being in Viet Nam this summer and plan to go next September—want to go?? I had planned on going to Peru last March and I hope to go this next year.
I wish you a Happy and Blessed New Year.
Beth Marie and Mariah of the Wind

1 comment:

  1. Beth Marie,
    Wish you were close enough to visit more often. It was great to see you this fall at the cathedral. Congratulations on the "Professor Emeritus" honours!
    Cam Harder
